Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome Members!

Welcome to the Beautiful World Book Club! 

As those who are involved with our group already know, we meet twice a month to discuss 1/2 of a beautiful book.  The books we choose may be considered self-help books.  We occassionally read a work of fiction, but it is important to us that the books be positive, uplifting, inspirational and generally helpful in guiding us toward a healthier way of living and interacting with others.  The books are chosen well in advance and organized so that one leads naturally to the next.  Topics discussed are as far ranging as religion, science, spirituallality, philosiphy, experiences and practicality.  Our current members are just as diverse as the books we read.  Also, we are as tolerant as we are diverse.  We celebrate our differences and love and respect each other.  We do not argue or debate, we discuss and share.  This way we each take away new thoughts and ideas that we may incorperate into our own lives in a positive way. 

Since joining this group my own life has improved greatly.  I am a more positive person and more emotionally, mentally and physically healthy.  I have learned much from the books and received good advice and insights from these wonderful people.

Whether you are a member who sits with us at our meetings, or you just want to enjoy the books on your own and let us know your thoughts and perspectives through this blog, all are welcome.  Just remember the purpose of this club is a positive one so please be respectful and tolerant.  We look forward to your input.

1 comment:

  1. The joy of sharing ideas and insights with our community is a powerful motivator. Through discussion we also learn about ourselves and discover new and meaningful ways to reach our purest potential as individuals. Beautiful World Book Club is one means to exploring our world and creating an avenue for affecting our sphere of influence and reaping the benefits of a common bond.
